Sunday, November 7, 2010

Port Nelson, Haven Ahoy!

"Land ahoy, Port Nelson!" the cabin boy shouted. After four months at sea now we have arrived in Nelson. Wahoo! It was a pretty exciting trip because Mrs Whatsit just had a baby and she named it Clifford, after the ship. I was pretty sick in my cabin, I had to go to the spew bucket. When I was on the Main Deck, it was very stormy, so I went inside and had a snooze in my hammock. When I woke up we were in Nelson. I was so excited that we have arrived in our new home. Written by Luke.

"Land Ahoy, Port Nelson". My family and I are on the Clifford going to Nelson. We are in steerage and there are 148 people on board. The ship is rocking a lot and I have been very sea sick. It is very sticky and hot in the steerage. I am with my 3 brothers and 2 sisters. My mother has just had a baby. We land soon.
by Rowan

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