Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Long Italian pizza long Italian pizza lunch long Ita

29 Th of September. 2011

Recipe for pizza. This is how you make a delicious Italian pizza.
First you wash your hands, make or buy your base then slop your tomato paste/tomato sauce on.
Put your ingredients on like ham, basil, anchovies, spaghetti, salami, mushrooms and other things.
Put on your cheese on, bake it and enjoy it.
I like eating pizza because it has my favourite things on it, my favourite pizza is chicken cranberry sauce,creamcheese and home made dough bases that are made by me!
What do you put on yours?

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Bike Skills at School

Constable John came to our school to teach us some new bike skills. He had a whole trailer full of bikes. Samantha was the photographer, she was taking heaps of pictures. Constable John set up an obstacle course, so we can practise our balancing.
We needed to ride around in a circle and we needed to learn how to do the emergency braking. Then constable John sorted
us into two groups, there was a group that thought that they couldn't ride and another who could ride.

I was in the group that could ride. Some kids lost their balance, .like Adam, Victoria, Georgia, Dylan and Quentin. They got better during their practice. We got free time for five minutes then we packed up and the bell rang. Thank you Constable John.
by Whaitiri

Matariki Kites

My class was studying Matariki, so we decided to make some Matariki kites. First we had to choose a buddy so they could help us make a frame. My buddy was Jasmyn. After we collected the things we needed, we made a upside down V out of two long sticks of raupo and we put a small one along the bottom. This made a triangle.
After we tied it with cotton, we got some other flat raupo leaves and cut them to the right size so we could glue them across the frame, after that Judi hot glued them on.
Then it was my turn to make a kite. After I made the frame I got some material and cut it into a triangle shape so it would fit the frame. Then I got some shells, ribbon and some sequins to sow on it. After Judi glued the material, shells and ribbon on, I decided to sow the sequins on. I sowed them into a spiral, which is called a koru in Maori.
When everyone had finished their kites, we all showed them to the kids at assembly.
I am really proud of myself making that kite.