Monday, August 31, 2009

Our school magnolia

Spring has come to Auckland Point School.  The magnolia outside the senior block is covered in pink and white flowers.  The new magnolias we have planted in the Moller Fountain Park are not yet in flower but we are watching them closely for the first flower.  The daffodils are beginning to come through and this week we will finish our dinosaurs to put out on display.

Maths in Nelson Room

We are working on numbers. First we have to take a 2 digit number out of the box. One person has to show the number on the abacus and the other person has to make it on the place value sticks. 
What number have we made?
Samantha,Isabella and Jazmin

Suzie working in Nelson Room

Suzie has come to work in our room. Suzie used to live on a farm and she knows lots about sheep. Suzie is a teacher and she is working with Matt and the rest of us in maths and reading. She reads stories with lots of expression. Jordyn and Jazmin

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Nelson Room children are learning about ceramics this term in Art. We are enjoying working with clay each week. Already the children have made some amazing animals,faces and shape. We plan a visit to MacMillan Pottery in Richmond to see a working pottery. We hope to make piece of pottery and it will be fired to biscuit ware. It is a favourite activity.

Happenings in Nelson Room

Grace is away on sick leave and Suzie is working with Matt and the children in Nelson Room. Suzie is a teacher who comes in regularly to work with us.

New Trees in Moller Fountain Park
Written by Nelson Room Children

Yesterday we walked over to the park to meet up with Steven and Peter from Nelmac. We had been invited to replant the five magnolias in the park.
Last year we wrote to the Mayor of Nelson to ask him if he was going to plant any trees, to replace the 2 big trees the Nelmac men cut down after the big storm. We told him he should plant magnolias because we had one outside St.Vincent Room and it was beautiful in Springtime.
Mr Mayor wrote us a letter and said “Yes, you can plant them with the Nelmac workers”.
So we helped Rachel and Steve put the trees in the holes and add the fertiliser and the daffodil bulbs around the top. Steven dug the holes,cause that was real hard work. the Christmas holidays some vandals destroyed our magnolias..they just broke them off at the trunks, they didn’t care about our trees.
We were we wrote to Mr Mayor again and said we wanted to plant the new trees. We had to wait until Nelmac had big enough trees to plant.
The trees are very big and they were very heavy. We used the spades and shovels to put the dirt around the trees. We even stuck the daffodils back around the trunks. Peter stomped the dirt in.
Mr Mayor sent a photographer down to take our photo and Colin Smith came to take our photos for the Nelson Mail. We were in the paper the next day.
Nathaniel is in the front and Shone,Louis,Rowan,Mattie,Imogen and Steven are helping push the dirt in the hole. Peter is hold ing the tree.
We wrote Nelmac to say thank you and sent them a photo.
We have promised to look out for our trees.
In spring we are putting dinosaurs around the daffodils and magnolias so the people can smile as they go to town.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Winter Challenge from the NMHB

Our school was chosen to take part in The Winter Challenge, this was organised by NMHB to encourage children to take up the challenge to get into fresh foods and get into action and get healthy.  All children received an orange bag which contained bean seeds, recipes for soup, ideas for activities, snap and ride reflective bands and a game. The team from NMHS came into school and cooked pumpkin soup. All the school got to enjoy this with raw carrot and oranges to follow. An all orange day!
Nelson Room with help from Grandma Heather made bone soup later in the week. Judi supplied the tasty bone....and we all brought along something tasty to put in the pot. Caleb had 3 bowls of soup, so it must have been good