Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Duncan Leask

Duncan Leask is an artist. He collects metal and turns it into art. He is working on a gate for the Refinery Gallery. He loves metal art. One of his favourites is the circuit board on the window, it casts a green colour on the tool bench. “I love green,” said Duncan. Duncan plans up his ideas on the back of old envelopes. He has a dark studio workshop full to the top with junk,treasures and ideas. He displays his art out in the garden and in the gallery.

Written by Tanisha Dense September 9th 2008

Duncan Leask

Duncan Leask works at the Refinery Gallery with other artists. You’d think that artists only use paper or paint to ice or clay, but metal looks so much better because it’s economical. Duncan Leask has millions of ideas and thoughts. He doodles and plans on paper and wood. His studio workshop is up the back of the Refinery Gallery. 
Written by Hamish September 9th 2008

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